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By: Emile Dawisha

Introducing: Campaign Quarterly!

April 20, 2018
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We’re excited to launch our new Campaign Quarterly Newsletter, a periodical snapshot of our work at Nothing But Nets and of the global movement to end malaria for good. In this newsletter, we will highlight impact stories, our campaign supporters, grassroots champions, and global partners. The first edition comes at an exciting time for our campaign. Our annual Leadership Summit, held in March, mobilized 200+ champions from 30+ states, and we recently launched an appeal to send 20,000 bed nets and other malaria preventions to the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nigeria, and Malawi for World Malaria Day.

In each version of Campaign Quarterly, we will feature a person or family living in a malaria-endemic region who – through your support – has received life-saving nets or malaria treatment.

Our first story is about a young boy named Yohane. In the Mulanje District of Malawi, Nothing But Nets and The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation are working together to fund mobile health clinics that can treat families with malaria and HIV in rural areas.

We met Yohane and his mother at one of these clinics. He was experiencing fever and chills and was so weak that he couldn’t stay on his feet. At the clinic, he was tested for malaria and the results were positive. A nurse was able to administer medicine and ensure he got to a hospital to receive further treatment. Access to a rapid diagnostic test saved his life.

In partnership with ETAF and thanks to your support, Nothing But Nets is able to help thousands of kids in rural Malawi access life-saving treatments and diagnostics. Thank you!

We’re excited to report that the Nothing But Nets annual Leadership Summit, held last month in Washington DC, was our largest Summit ever! More than 200 champions, partners, and celebrity ambassadors from over 30 states gathered together for three days to train and mobilize the next generation of grassroots leaders in the fight against malaria.

A few highlights:

We honored Kevin Strickland and his mother Joanne Strickland who have raised over $50,000 for Nothing But Nets through sales from their cupcakes and other confections.

We heard from our founder Rick Reilly, whose support and passion for fighting malaria has never waned over the campaign’s 12-year history as well as from celebrity ambassadors like actress Alexandra Daddario and TV broadcaster and malaria survivor who use their platforms to raise awareness about our work.

The Summit culminated on Capitol Hill, where our champions held over 130 meetings in one day (a new record!) with members of Congress where to urge them for full support of the President’s Malaria Initiative, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and the United Nations agencies who are working so hard to end malaria for good.

We are continually blown away by the passion and commitment of our champions and partners.To see even more pictures from our Leadership Summit, click here. 

US Liability Insurance Group (USLI) has raised a remarkable $108,000+ for Nothing But Nets, dating back to our campaign’s inception in 2006. DIY craft nights, pickleball tournaments, 5K runs, an annual Kids Camp – these are just a few of the fun ways that USLI’s employees have raised money for Nothing But Nets. Through their incredible generosity and creativity, USLI’s employees have protected over 10,000 families from malaria. We’re so grateful for their continued support!

Based out of Wayne PA, USLI has been providing comprehensive insurance to small businesses since 1867. For more information about USLI, go to

Would you like to engage your place of work or coworkers in the fight against malaria? We’d love to partner with you! Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about what’s possible. 

April is a critical month – not just for Nothing But Nets, but for the global movement fighting to end malaria. The first-ever Malaria Summit London was held April 18, and World Malaria Day is on April 25. These two events will ensure that malaria remains in the global consciousness and will shine a spotlight both on the incredible progress we’ve made and also of the important, urgent work that needs to be done to make sure progress doesn’t stall.

At the Malaria Summit London, British Commonwealth leaders did just that. Bill Gates spoke of the incredible innovations being created to further progress in fighting this disease, and our Nothing But Nets team attended the event to show our first-ever virtual reality film, “Under the Net”. Commonwealth nations pledged $4.1 billion to drive research and innovation and improve access to malaria prevention and treatments and officially committed to halve malaria in Commonwealth nations in the next 5 years. This investment would prevent 350 million cases of malaria and save 650,000 lives across the Commonwealth! Learn more about the Malaria Summit London here.

To celebrate World Malaria Day, we have launched a fundraising appeal to send 20,000 bed nets and malaria preventions to Nigeria, Malawi, Venezuela, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. From April 23-25, all gifts will be QUADRUPLED thanks to generous matching gifts from Sumitomo Chemical Co. the Benito and Frances C. Gaguine Foundation, and an anonymous donor.  

Please help us reach our goal by donating generously at

We hope you enjoyed the first edition of Campaign Quarterly! If you have questions or would like to provide feedback, please contact Emile Dawisha at [email protected].

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