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Our Impact

We’re stepping up the fight to beat malaria.

For more than 15 years, United to Beat Malaria (previously known as Nothing But Nets) has kept our commitment to protect some of the world’s most vulnerable people by providing bed nets and other life-saving tools, while also successfully advocating for increased US leadership and funding for global malaria programs. United to Beat Malaria reflects the collective power that we have: As a united front, we can be the generation to end malaria.

Below is a snapshot of our campaign’s impact, thanks to your support.

2006 – PRESENT:

Campaign Impact

Since 2006, United to Beat Malaria has helped protect over 40 million people from malaria across 61 countries and raised over $75 million in the fight to end malaria. 

Our malaria projects continue to prioritize young children and mothers, pregnant women, refugees and internally-displaced persons, hard-to-reach communities with little to no healthcare access, and frontline health workers who fight malaria in these communities.

Through our Advocacy program, Beat Malaria Champions have continually helped secure increased US funding for life-saving malaria programs such as the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), and the UN.

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715,142 People Protected

2023 was a highly productive year for our campaign. United to Beat Malaria supported a comprehensive range of malaria prevention, testing, and treatment programs, with priority placed on regions impacted by conflict, climate crises, and mass displacement. In addition, supported the delivery of malaria-focused trainings to 74 health workers and lab technicians. You can read about our advocacy impact below!

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2023 Year In Review

Impact Through Advocacy

We also made significant impact through our advocacy work in 2023. With training and support from our Advocacy team, our Champions (i.e. volunteer advocates and partners) led 226 virtual meetings with Congressional offices across 41 states to reinforce the vital importance of US leadership in the fight against malaria.

Thanks to persistent year-round advocacy, Congress approved full funding for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria and the US President’s Malaria Initiative in its FY24 spending package. Over the years, our advocacy efforts have helped strengthen bipartisan support and secure steady funding increases for vital US-funded malaria programs. Strong investments in these programs not only save millions of lives, but also bolster economies, empower youth, and strengthen health systems and pandemic preparedness throughout the malaria-affected world.

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2023 Year In Review

Impact Across Continents

In 2023, your donations primarily supported malaria projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Nigeria, and South Sudan – highly vulnerable regions impacted by armed conflict, natural disasters, and mass displacement. 

In addition, your donations supported malaria elimination efforts across 17 Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Our malaria projects continue to prioritize families with young children, pregnant women, displaced populations, remote communities with little to no healthcare access, and frontline health workers who fight malaria in these communities.

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Impact for People

Meet Achol from South Sudan

Achol is a refugee from South Sudan and a mother of four. She fled her home the night her husband was killed. She traveled on foot for seven days over difficult terrain with her youngest in her arms to reach Kakuma refugee camp.

At one point along the way she was separated from her eldest daughter and has not seen her since. She worries about her son and two remaining daughters as many children in the camp have had malaria and some have even died.

Despite her exhaustion, she is among the first to line up the morning that insecticide-treated bed nets, provided by United to Beat Malaria supporters, are being given out to refugee families.

She smiles big when she receives the bed nets that will protect her little ones from this deadly disease. Though many challenges remain ahead, that night Achol slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks, as she knows malaria-carrying mosquitoes will no longer touch her family.

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Meet Pamela

Pamela’s two children and husband are her world. Her family lives in Marangu, Tanzania, at the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

For years, Pamela feared that malaria might take her life—or her son’s. She had every right to worry: malaria, spread by a single mosquito bite, kills more than 1,400 children every day. She rushed her son Elihuruma, 6, to the hospital many times when he was weak from fevers caused by malaria.

When she was pregnant with Mary, a health worker gave her an insecticide-treated bed net like those provided by United to Beat Malaria supporters. The volunteer patiently showed Pamela how to tuck the net under the mattress. She learned these simple nets could protect her family from malaria.

Now Pamela, her husband and children sleep beneath nets protected from deadly malaria. 18-month-old Mary happily toddles around. Elihuruma sings in the children’s choir and doesn’t miss a day of school. And Pamela is strong enough to tend her chickens and goats. A simple net changed this family’s future.

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Meet Nancy

Nancy Piruch, a mother, lives in the Kapawi community and has seen her whole family affected by malaria multiple times. Nancy first contracted malaria when she was 11, but it’s more difficult for her to watch her kids suffer from the disease. For her, malaria is a dangerous disease that used to decimate her community. She remembers taking traditional medicine as a child, but now her kids can access diagnosis and treatment at the local health center.

“It is my responsibility to look after my kids and send them to school. Every day I make sure there is food on the table for my family. When one of my kids feels sick, I immediately go to the health center for a doctor’s visit. It worries me when they get sick and start to vomit or develop a fever and chills. It takes a toll on our family when the children get sick. We don’t want to have malaria and hope to work together to fight this disease. Every night we use the bed nets to protect ourselves. I feel more at peace because we are getting malaria under control.”

Ecuador is committed to expanding health coverage across the country, particularly in rural and hard-to-reach areas, by involving all levels of society. From teachers, health workers, and moms like Nancy, everyone has a role to play in ending malaria. Learn more about Ecuador’s fight to end malaria here.

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Meet Twizere

Twizere is 22 years old and a mother of two young children – a four-year-old son and her six-month-old daughter. In 2006, Twizere fled the violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with her parents and arrived at Nakivale.

“We heard gun shots and knew we were too close,” she says. Here at Nakivale, Twizere has found peace and stability. She’s incredibly happy – she met her husband here, who is also Congolese, and they were married. He is a crop farmer, raising mostly maize and beans.

But they still face one consistent threat – malaria. She and her children get malaria about three times a month. They sleep under a bed net every night, but when night falls, the mosquitoes come into her home through the open door and windows before they’ve all gone to bed.

Malaria takes a heavy toll on her – when she’s sick, she cannot care for her children. Her husband helps to cook and care for them when she’s ill, but this means he cannot work.

She smiles as she talks about the joy it brings her to be a mother and hopes to have many more children. She’s incredible grateful for her baby girl, and wants her to stay healthy.

“My baby is a miracle,” she says.

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