The Nothing But Nets team has been listening to all of your questions and we want to let you know that we have just posted some new FAQs to answer your most commonly asked questions, such as: “Can I purchase individual nets from Nothing But Nets?,” “Can I request a location to Nothing But Nets for a bed net distribution?,” “How can I get a copy of the Nothing But Nets video?”, etc. Thank you for your interest in the campaign and please check out the newly posted information!
Do you have an experience with malaria that you would like to share with other individuals working to prevent the disease? Have you hosted a Nothing But Nets event? Are you a proud parent, teacher, or friend who would like to highlight the fundraising efforts of local youth for Nothing But Nets? Write to us at [email protected] and let us know! We are always hoping for supporters to share their stories and thoughts with us. We love to highlight them on the Web site and let people across the country know what great work Nothing But Nets supporters are doing to save lives!