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By: Julie Willig

The Buzz Tour hits Columbus!

June 14, 2017
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It’s a big week for Nothing But Nets as our Buzz Tour kicks off in Atlanta! We’re rolling into towns all over the U.S. to spread the buzz about World Malaria Day and fire up our supporters including students, youth groups,  Major League Soccer teams and fans, and community leaders. Our first stop on the Buzz Tour is Columbus, Ohio! 

On Saturday, March 27th, we’re teaming up with Major League Soccer W.O.R.K.S. to host an in-stadium night with the Columbus Crew to raise awareness about malaria prevention. Meet the Nothing But Nets team outside pre-game at soccer celebration to learn how we are sending nets and saving lives in the lead-up to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa! You can also catch us at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI – everyone’s favorite class trip) on Sunday, March 28th  from 12-4 p.m. just off the main entrance of the museum, and at Ohio State University, buzzing with the Buckeyes on Tuesday, March 30th.

Be among the first to spot the Buzz Tour and tweet about it to your friends! Check us out @BuzzTour on Twitter, and let us know you saw us! Be on the lookout for Mozzie the Mosquito and our blue and orange sustainable bus as we drive towards World Malaria Day on April 25. You might just find us spreading the buzz about malaria prevention on a college campus, street corner, or soccer game near you!

Find out more about the Buzz Tour and see the full schedule at

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