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By: Negin Janati

What’s malaria like in Central African Republic?

June 12, 2017
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We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Nestor Ankiba, who is the Country Representative in the Central African Republic for our partner PSI (Population Services International). Outside of the pedatric hospital in Bangui, Nestor talked to us about malaria in C.A.R. and about the life-saving bed nets you’ve sent through Nothing But Nets that are helping to prevent the transmission of this deadly disease — which is the leading killer of children under five in C.A.R.

Together with PSI, our UN partners, local government, and community health workers, the nets you’ve sent are currently being distributed and will help those children and their families protect themselves against malaria for years to come. Thank you for sending nets and saving lives in C.A.R!

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