Tomorrow, December 1, is World AIDS Day 2012, a day for all of us to consider the toll this disease has taken worldwide and celebrate the progress made against HIV/AIDS. The United Nations Foundation’s partners at The Global Fund are leaders in the fight against AIDS, providing more than 4 million people critical antiretroviral treatments. The Global Fund’s public-private partnership helps finance $22.9 billion worth of projects in 151 countries to stop AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
Now, the global health community and governments around the world are coming together to make sure no child is born with HIV, dramatically reduce HIV infections, and help people with HIV/AIDS access life-saving treatment. There has been great progress: 25 countries have seen new HIV infections drop by half or more since 2001. But with 2.5 million people newly infected with HIV last year, we’re still a long way from declaring victory against AIDS.
This World AIDS Day, Nothing But Nets wants to highlight The Global Fund’s important work. Like malaria, HIV/AIDS hurts women and children the most. Nothing But Nets has been a longtime advocate for The Global Fund, which provides half of the world’s funding for malaria. Aligned closely with our mission, The Global Fund’s programs have provided 310 million insecticide-treated bed nets to protect families from malaria. With the help of The Global Fund, we can end AIDS and malaria in this generation.
Take action today and on December 1, World AIDS Day, and support our partners:
• Donate to The Global Fund to help continue its life-saving work.
• Join (RED) or buy a (RED) holiday gift.
• Watch inspiring videos from the ONE Campaign and The Global Fund.
• Sign Nothing But Nets’ advocacy petition asking Members of Congress to support robust funding for The Global Fund.
• Read ONE’s The Beginning of the End? report.
• Follow international AIDS experts such as @UNAIDS and @JoinRed and add your voice to the global conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #WAD2012.
Imagine: a future where families around the world can live free of devastating diseases like AIDS and malaria.