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By: Wendy Dimas

Congratulations on an Impactful Summit!

March 19, 2024
Hero Image

We could not be prouder of the work you accomplished at Summit! Because of your hard work and dedication, we engaged more than 160 Congressional Offices from 41 states to advocate for strong bipartisan leadership and robust funding for the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; UNICEF; and CDC.

The enthusiasm, passion and sense of community in the room was palpable! We were joined by professors, researchers and students from more than 20 universities from Alabama to Nevada; members of the African diaspora including leaders from the Association of Nigerian Physicians in the Americas (ANPA); representatives from civil society partners such as Junior Chamber International USA and Rotarians Against Malaria-Global/Malaria Partners International as well as private sector partners like BASF, Cotopaxi, Novartis, SC Johnson, Valent BioSciences and Vestergaard.

We know the fight to #BeatMalaria is going to take all of us staying engaged throughout the year! Your passion and enthusiasm is critical in maintaining momentum. So, pat yourselves on the back, and gear up for the next phase of our advocacy this year — because the work continues! Keep reading for an overview of key advocacy moments in 2024!


Our webinar training sessions will resume. Webinars are hosted every other Monday at 6 p.m. ET. Click here to register and view dates for our upcoming webinars! Our webinars are geared to prepping you for each advocacy action throughout the year.

Advocacy Moments

Our advocacy moments are designed to continue to develop your advocacy skills! Additionally, your participation in our advocacy actions will inform our summit selection — so make sure you stay engaged!

  • Monday, April 18-25 | World Malaria Day Week of Action
    • Champions will have the opportunity to engage with Members of Congress by posting on social media, signing a petition and making calls to Congress.
  • August 20 | World Mosquito Day
    • Champions will have the opportunity to engage with Members of Congress by posting on social media, signing a petition and making calls to Congress.
  • September | Virtual Advocacy Meetings
    • Exact date will be announced in June.
    • Champions will have the opportunity to meet VIRTUALLY with Congressional offices. A sign-up link will be circulated to confirm participation.
    • Champions will be trained in the lead up to their meetings.

Additional opportunities to engage via social media and petition signatures will also be available throughout the year. If you are not receiving text messages from us, please text the word CHAMPION to 30644 to enroll.

Thank you again for all your amazing work! We look forward to an impactful year ahead!

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