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By: Danielle Garrahan

Bringing the fun to Philly!

June 16, 2017
Hero Image

Tomorrow Nothing But Nets is bringing a City Tour to Philadelphia!  Our over-sized mosquito mascot will be out and about, and we’ll have some bed net displays where you can send messages of hope to refugees in camps in Africa.  The only thing we need now is you! 

Our events kick-off on Wednesday and finish up on Friday Come check out our opening rally in Dilworth Plaza to start the events of the week.  A local choir will get things started, and then we’ll hear from our dedicated partners on what they are doing in the Philly area to combat malaria – and they’ll share how you can best get involved.  We’ll have free giveaways and an opportunity to chat with Nothing But Nets staff to get more information!

We’d also love to see you at our seminar on the University of Pennsylvania campus on Thursday, where a panel of experts in the field of malaria will speak, as well as students who have chosen to get involved in the cause.

Later that day, Nothing But Nets will run a youth camp at Mann Elementary School for young students who raised money for children halfway across the world for two consecutive years.

On our last day, we’ll be co- hosting a faith leaders’ dinner at Hopewell United Methodist Church.  

We are so excited for our time in Philadelphia and know that community members are going to build upon their already amazing support of the campaign!  For more information on times and locations, please visit our Philly City Tour page at  We look forward to seeing all of you this week! 

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