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By: Mandy Moore

Day 2 in Cameroon: Visiting Chantal Biya

June 12, 2017
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This morning, I visited the Chantal Biya Foundation, a health clinic in Cameroon’s capital city of Yaounde. There I talked to the doctors and community health workers, who told me that they see dozens of cases of malaria each day – cases like Nouriatou, a little girl I met who was undergoing treatment at Chantal Biya.

I met two-year-old Nouriatou and her mother, and heard her story. Nouriatou arrived at the hospital last night in critical condition with a high fever and seizures, symptoms of her severe case of malaria. Fortunately, Nouriatou’s story has a happy ending – she was able to get the life-saving malaria treatment she needed before it was too late.

Sadly, thousands of children in Cameroon aren’t as lucky as Nouriatou. Malaria is the leading cause of death in Cameroon, and children under five are particularly vulnerable. But with something as simple as an insecticide-treated mosquito net, malaria is easily preventable. 

It’s stories like Nouriatou’s that continue to inspire me to be a Champion in the fight against malaria. I hope they’ll inspire you to keep sending nets and saving lives here in Cameroon too – because we can’t reach our goal of sending 225,000 nets without your help.

It’s a good thing it’s so easy to help with Nothing But NetsJust give $10 today and you can help protect a child like Nouriatou from malaria.

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