In many countries of Sub Saharan Africa, the key to achieving SDG #3 and ensuring healthy lives is to #endmalaria. In these countries, there is a growing discussion around what are the most effective tools for preventing malaria. Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) have been the standard of prevention since 2000 – realizing 68 percent of all malaria cases averted since then. And although it might seem that we just need to get more LLINs out there, there is a growing body of countries that are embracing newer tools.
We are seeing that countries with a high prevalence of malaria that are facing the rise of insecticide resistant mosquitoes are rapidly shifting away from pyrethroid-only LLINs to next-generation nets – PBO LLINs and those with dual active ingredients. These include countries such as Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, and some of the largest and most significant High Burden High Impact countries including Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, and Uganda. They are updating their national strategic malaria plans as well as rewriting country policies to switch away from pyrethroid-only LLINs.
We are keenly aware that this is a critical decision-making moment, with success in the balance. We are approaching the last mile in the fight against malaria, and we expect it to be the toughest part – rooting out the pockets of malaria in the toughest to reach, most remote and underserved areas of the world where insecticide resistance is threatening progress.
We must dramatically step up our efforts to ensure that the highest quality, most efficacious tools are distributed efficiently, transparently, and equitably to the areas where they are needed most. For us, it means embracing these next generation nets as the new standard of care while we continue to innovate new tools. The world is counting on us to do so.
Patrick Sieyes | Head of Global Growth, Vestergaard
Patrick Sieyes is Head of Global Growth at Vestergaard. A private global health company, Vestergaard is committed to developing innovative products for emerging markets. It targets the hard-to reach, under- resourced populations with innovative products that ensure a healthy life for all. The company is built upon the foundation of humanitarian entrepreneurship– doing good is good for business.
It is committed to the success of the SDGs, working to support 11 of the key goals in three critical areas of global health. The company supports the elimination of malaria through its PermaNet® brand; enhances food security through its Zero Fly® storage bags; and is helping to prevent water borne diseases in 64 countries through its award -winning LifeStraw® water filters and purifiers.
Vestergaard is the leading producer of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets under its PermaNet® brand. Today, some 800+ million PermaNet® LLINs are distributed in 100+ countries, and have protected a cumulative 1.6 billion lives.