In my career I have visited the free throw line thousands of times, whether it be shooting to play in a pick up game, at practice, or winning a national championship – but this past week I actually had the chance to shoot for a cause much greater than basketball. I was recently able to share with my friends and family back home in Macy, IN about my experiences with Nothing But Nets at an event at my old high school. Having traveled the world learning and talking about this disease, it was extremely fulfilling to share my experiences with people back in my old high school gym.
After I gave a presentation about malaria and Nothing But Nets, my uncle posed a free throw challenge to myself and the crowd. The challenge consisted of me shooting ten free throws and people pledging donations for every shot that I made. My uncle personally pledged $100 per shot.
Knowing that my uncle’s company, like many, would match his donation that started me off at $200 per shot, I was hoping that other individuals would be encouraged to participate in the challenge. Wow – my hopes really came true! Many members of the crowd joined in and those free throws suddenly weren’t so free, but I was up to the challenge making nine out of ten shots! Adding the donation total from the challenge to the money already collected that day made a grand total of about $4,500 to donate for bed nets. Thank you to everyone back home for making a difference and saving lives!