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By: Jenna Sauber

Got a question about refugees? Ask us!

June 15, 2017
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We are wrapping up a great DC City Tour and World Refugee Day this past Saturday – thanks to those of you who participated!

The multiple events and participation by celebrities, journalists and authors, partners and supporters like you allowed us to spread the word about malaria and the importance of spreading hope and sending nets to protect refugees. The District of Columbia  really stepped up to the plate when local partners committed to sending 10,000 bed nets to families in Africa.

On the heels of this, we know there’s a lot of information out there about refugees and their plight, and how malaria and other health issues intersect. With that in mind, we want you to ask us any questions you might have about refugee populations, and more specifically, how malaria impacts them. You can submit your question here, email us at [email protected], or post a comment in response to this blog, and with the help of experts at the UN Foundation and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), we’ll compile answers and report back in a follow-up email and through our blog on! No question is too basic!

Want to learn more about rainy seasons? Or what malaria symptoms look like? Maybe you want clarification on how bed nets really work. Either way, send on your questions – and we are here to answer it for you. We know that it’s easier to spread the word about malaria to your NET-works when you have accurate, up-to-date information, so ask away!

P.S. Here’s a short video of some of the great folks we met in D.C. last week.

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