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By: Wendy Dimas

Here is what you can do to support the upcoming Global Fund Replenishment

July 5, 2022
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As the United States prepares to host the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund in just a few months, Champions from across the U.S. will also be preparing for digital meetings with Congress on Thursday, September 8th! To confirm your participation in these digital advocacy meetings – click here.  Registration will remain open from July 5th to August 5th.

As a campaign, we are thankful that just last week the House Appropriations Committee appropriated $2 billion for the Global Fund, and $820 million for the President’s Malaria Initiative! This is great news, however, we must continue to Champion bi-partisan support for malaria-ending programs as these proposed funding levels are considered and voted on by the full House of Representatives and the Senate Appropriations Committee.

We know that a fully replenished Global Fund would save an additional 20 million lives, cut HIV, TB and malaria deaths by 65%, and strengthen health systems to reinforce pandemic preparedness.  Global Fund investments are a pathfinder for pandemic preparedness, making health care networks resilient and sustainable even in the face of new, emerging pandemics. This has a direct impact on Americans, too, because these cost-effective tools can act as an early warning system for emerging diseases to warn others about what may be coming.

Thanks to the commitment of champions like you – we continue to press ahead to alleviate the burden of malaria on endemic countries while recognizing the direct safety impact of these programs on Americans!

We are thankful for your support and encourage you to join us on September 8th! Please take a look below for details on what you can expect.


July 5th to August 5th  

Meeting sign-up period

Week of August 29th  

Preliminary meeting schedules are distributed

  • Schedules are sent to email used at registration
  • Schedules will be sent from “advocacyday”
Tuesday, September 6th  


Digital training session (4:30p ET – 5:30p ET)

  • Meeting Portal Training
  • Review talking points
  • Meet UN Foundation team leads
Thursday, September 8th  


Digital Meeting Day (9a ET – 5p ET: Schedules vary)

  • Kindly block your schedule for this day to allow flexibility for any last-minute scheduling changes.


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