On Tuesday, September 5, students from the University of Delaware came together to recognize International Charity Day (9/5) with the United to Beat Malaria. Students raised awareness for malaria’s impact on women and children and asking for your help in the global fight to end malaria for good! The event was hosted in collaboration with UNICEF at the University of Delaware and Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at the University of Delaware.
Coalescing around United to Beat Malaria’s (Beat Malaria) impact on achieving a malaria-free world, and offered insight on ways people can become directly involved with the campaign, the webinar contextualized malaria’s current impact on mothers and children, the advances that countries have been made, and the women whose work made malaria advancement possible.
The event featured a keynote from University of Michigan student and Beat Malaria Champion Feaven Gebrezgi, where she highlighted how advocating with United to Beat Malaria has played an important role in helping to clarify her career development, all while making a great impact on the lives of those affected by malaria. As a result of her involvement, Feaven has connected with individuals and leaders in the global health space.
Click here to view the full recording and slides from the webinar!
Questions about Advocacy? Email Maegan Cross, Grassroots Advocacy Associate, at MCross@unfoundation.org