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By: Nejla Routsong

International Youth Day 2012 – This 9-year-old Girl Swam From Alcatraz To Save Lives

June 9, 2017
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While you and I were sleeping in this past Memorial Day, 9-year-old Jordan Freer became the youngest female ever to swim from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco. For being a real Champion for Nothing But Nets, Jordan is one of the youths that we are spotlighting this week in celebration of International Youth Day.

Despite 55-degree water and large swells, Jordan made the 1.5-mile swim in about 50 minutes — faster than many adults. The scariest part of the swim was jumping off the boat near Alcatraz, she said. Jordan raised over $3,000 — enough money to send more than 300 mosquito nets to keep kids like her in Africa safe from malaria.

Thank you to Jordan for inspiring all of us to do whatever you can, wherever you are, to SEND A NET and SAVE A LIFE!

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