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By: Margaret Reilly McDonnell

JCI Travels to Cameroon with Nothing But Nets

June 7, 2017
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Over the past seven years, Junior Chamber International (JCI) has been a crucial partner to the Nothing But Nets campaign. Jaycees from countries all over the world are raising awareness, funds, and voices to help us defeat malaria. In fact, they’ve helped to raise close to $3.5 million to protect refugees and families from this deadly disease!

This week, we are traveling to Cameroon with JCI to witness first-hand how malaria programs are saving countless lives and how we can continue to work together.

JCI President Paschal Dike and JCI Secretary General Arrey Obenson spoke with us about the partnership and their hopes for the trip to Cameroon:

Over the course of our partnership, the world has made tremendous strides to defeat malaria, reducing child deaths in sub-Saharan Africa by 71% since 2000. The UN estimates that more than 6.2 million lives have been saved since 2000, and the targets for MDG 6 have been met or surpassed.

Our partnership has had incredible impact thus far. But still, every two minutes a child dies from malaria. There’s more work to be done and JCI is a crucial partner in this fight.

The UN and global leaders seek to reduce cases and deaths from malaria worldwide by 90% and to eliminate malaria in at least 35 countries by 2030.

We look forward to sharing lots of stories about our visit to Cameroon and how you can get involved to help Nothing But Nets and JCI defeat malaria for good!

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