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Post Author
By: Julie Willig

Macedonia students recognize World Malaria Day

June 15, 2017
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Malaria kills, but it is a global problem with a global solution. Gaining an international presence, the Nothing But Nets campaign continues to expand our constituency of grassroots supporters who are united in the effort to send nets and save lives. We recently have included Skopje, Macedonia into our NETwork of supporters committed to eliminating malaria!

Students, parents, and teachers of the QSI International School of Skopje recently came together to raise $1,000 for Nothing But Nets through a school-wide fundraising event! To commemorate World Malaria Day on April 25th, the school also hosted Michael Fritz and his assistant Agnesa Lamaxhema from USAID Macedonia during its Community Time. Students, parents, and teachers all learned how malaria kills more than one million people each year, and how this deadly disease can be easily averted through the use of proven prevention methods such as insecticide-treated bed nets. The school was even able to get local media coverage to further raise awareness in the community about bed nets!

Great job, QSI! The Nothing But Nets campaign has extended its reach and mobilized students in Macedonia. Where will Nothing But Nets land next?

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