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By: Emile Dawisha

Meet the Interns: Apurva Joshi

February 9, 2024
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We’re excited to welcome three new interns for the spring semester! Our next intern spotlight features Apurva Joshi, our new Development and Partnerships intern. Check out the Q&A below!

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Apurva Joshi and I am pursuing a degree in International Affairs at George Washington University with a minor in French Language, Literature, and Culture. I was born in India but I grew up moving from country-to-country with my family, including to Singapore and Switzerland, before finally moving to the United States. As a result of my experiences and studies, I am passionate about pursuing a career that emphasizes human rights and diverse perspectives within the field of international development. Outside of my academic and career goals, I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking new recipes, and exploring everything related to music.

What drew you to United to Beat Malaria and the UN Foundation?

After learning about the importance of Sustainable Development Goals through more of an academic lens in undergraduate courses, I became interested in the UN Foundation and its initiatives towards achieving these goals. I was especially drawn to exploring the work that is done to expand global health as I believe that health and well-being are basic human rights that are interconnected with so many different aspects of an individual’s lifestyle. 

United to Beat Malaria particularly caught my interest as it reminded me of how having access to preventative measures against mosquito bites put my family and I at ease when visiting India. Whether this was using topical mosquito repellents or going to sleep in as much covering clothing as possible, I remember the impact of having a solution. The work that United to Beat Malaria does to help protect vulnerable populations from such a prevalent yet preventable disease is life-saving and I am grateful to have the opportunity to contribute in the efforts of this campaign.

What part of your internship with United to Beat Malaria are you looking forward to most?

I am most looking forward to continue meeting and working with the wonderful team at United to Beat Malaria. Additionally, I continue to look forward to learning more about malaria prevention and treatments along with understanding the impact of development and fundraising for the campaign. I hope to be able to contribute my skills and passion for learning in an impactful manner throughout this internship. I am excited to have this opportunity to better understand the intersection between human rights, global health, and grassroots campaigning. 

What is a fun fact our champions may not know about you?

As a way to keep up with my interest in music, I host a radio show exploring South Asian and Bollywood music through my university’s radio station!

Why are you United to Beat Malaria?

I am United to Beat Malaria because I believe in the strength and capability of people coming together with the passion to fight against a disease that takes lives. Efforts towards advocacy, awareness, access to preventative tools, access to vaccines, and more have already contributed to important progress worldwide. Additionally, individuals from populations at greatest risk including children, pregnant women, and refugees continue to commit themselves to keep up their daily fight against malaria. Thus, I too am motivated to join the fight and help the campaign achieve a world where no one suffers nor faces risks to their well-being and livelihoods because of a mosquito bite. I am United to Beat Malaria because I truly believe that coming together can save lives and create change.

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