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By: Emile Dawisha

Meet the Interns: Brian Zhang

February 7, 2024
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We’re excited to welcome three new interns for the spring semester! Our first intern spotlight features Brian Zhang, our Communications intern. Check out the Q&A and the video below!

Tell us about yourself!

I am Brian Zhang, and I am a third-year undergraduate student at Yale on the pre-med track. My dream is to one day open a clinic for veterans and another one for undocumented immigrants. Outside of schoolwork, I enjoy freelancing for publications, hosting Taylor Swift-themed parties, and fulfilling my responsibilities as the 2023-2024 class president of my grade!

What drew you to United to Beat Malaria and the UN Foundation?

I am drawn to a robust, transformative work culture that prioritizes philanthropy and storytelling. I seek opportunities to learn and advocate. As an aspiring medical practitioner, I believe that it is essential for me to become exposed to challenges, pathologies, and situations that I personally do not experience. There is no better place to do all of this than at the United to Beat Malaria campaign and the United Nations Foundation, both of which strive for a more informed, empathetic planet.

What part of your internship with United to Beat Malaria are you looking forward to most?

The March Leadership Summit! I am excited to meet Beat Malaria Champions from all over the world, hear their stories, and transduce the inspiration I will get from them into my own action. I also cannot wait to meet the other interns and potentially collaborate on projects together.

What is a fun fact our champions may not know about you?

My first op-ed for my college newspaper was about abolishing party culture on campus.

Why are you United to Beat Malaria?

I’m united to beat malaria because it is an international obligation — not a chore — to address the malaria crisis. Malaria lies at the intersection of poverty, pathology, and the environment, all which speak to my interests. With today’s biotechnology and preventative measures (and the right mindset), helping every single affected country eradicate malaria is not an impossible task.

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