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By: Emile Dawisha

Meet the Interns: Krutika Patel

February 8, 2024
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We’re excited to welcome three new interns for the spring semester! Our second intern spotlight features Krutika Patel, our Grassroots Advocacy intern. Check out the Q&A and the video below!

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Krutika Patel and I am a recent graduate from Johns Hopkins University. I majored in International Studies and minored in Africana Studies. I was born in Mumbai, India but moved to the United States at a young age. This transition sparked my early interest in global cultures and the myriad ways societies interact and influence each other. Throughout my studies, I have developed a deep-rooted passion for global health, education, and social justice. These areas resonate with me not just academically but also on a personal level, guiding my aspiration to embark on a career path where I can contribute meaningfully to these fields. Lastly, I enjoy traveling, learning about new foods and cultures, hiking, dancing, reading, and cooking.

What drew you to United to Beat Malaria and the UN Foundation?

My interest in United to Beat Malaria and the UN Foundation stems from their unwavering commitment to global health and their innovative approach to tackling one of humanity’s oldest diseases: malaria. The foundation’s mission to mobilize resources, partners, and influencers to end malaria resonates deeply with me, especially considering the disease’s preventability and treatability. The blend of advocacy, technology, and community engagement used by United to Beat Malaria exemplifies the multifaceted approach I believe is necessary to address global health crises. 

Additionally, the relentless fight against malaria — a challenge that resonates with my own experiences growing up in India, where malaria’s impact is a prevalent part of many conversations. Witnessing first-hand the conversations about its effects and prevention ignited an early interest in me, driving my passion to contribute to global health solutions.

What part of your internship with United to Beat Malaria are you looking forward to most?

I am looking forward to supporting the annual Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., a unique opportunity to witness and contribute to the mobilization of grassroots advocacy, engaging with dedicated advocates and learning from their experiences. Furthermore, the opportunity to expand our grassroots network and onboard new champions offers hands-on experience in community building and advocacy — key elements that I am eager to explore and develop during my internship.

What is a fun fact our champions may not know about you?

A fun fact about me is that I can speak three languages.

Why are you United to Beat Malaria?

I’m united to beat malaria because I believe in the power of collective action to overcome global challenges. Malaria is not only a health issue but a barrier to economic development, education, and equality in many parts of the world. By joining forces with United to Beat Malaria, I’m contributing to a cause that saves lives, empowers communities, and paves the way for a healthier future for all.

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