United to Beat Malaria invites you to go the extra “kilometer” in the fight to beat malaria. We’ve launched a 5k walk/run event, Move Against Malaria, that will take place May 20-June 5 and will bring together malaria champions from around the world.
This is a virtual 5K event, meaning that you can participate from wherever you are, on your own day, time, and pace. Participants can engage with the event in a variety of ways: we invite to host a 5k run in your community, share your participation on social media, raise awareness about malaria, and/or raise funds for United to Beat Malaria. No matter how you participate, you will be part of a global community working together to end malaria within our lifetimes!
Here’s how to get started:
The Move Against Malaria 5k is our first event under our new name. Through this effort, we will engage our global audience of private sector partners, supporters, and global health champions to recommit to the fight against malaria to end this disease. We hope you’ll participate in this global event and get your community involved as well!
If you’re a business and are interested in sponsoring Move Against Malaria, please contact Jonathan Kidwell, our Senior Officer for Partnerships & Development, at jkidwell@unfoundation.org.