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Post Author
By: Dana McLaughlin

Why we 🧡 our UN partners

November 6, 2018
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For 12 years, Nothing But Nets has been committed to protecting communities around the world from malaria. In this time, we have seen a 40% reduction of malaria cases in sub-Saharan in which 68% of cases were averted were due to the increase of bed net coverage. From refugees in sub-Saharan Africa to communities in Latin America and the Caribbean, families continue to need protection from malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

And more than ever before, we must ensure that no one, especially the world’s most vulnerable, are left behind.

Our work would not be possible without our strong partnerships with UN agencies who work on the frontlines of the fight for malaria elimination. These partner agencies, like United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) link our grassroots fundraising and advocacy efforts with the delivery of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets (LLINs) and other life-saving tools and interventions.

Nothing But Nets has worked in partnership with UNHCR to distribute over 2 million bed nets to refugee settlements throughout Africa, often in rapid-response after a mass migration has occurred.

And so far in 2018, Nothing But Nets has provided a total of 638,000 bed nets to UN agencies, as well as financial support for malaria prevention like rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), and anti-malaria drugs.  

Often these UN agencies are the first responders to provide for the most vulnerable populations who live in or have fled an emergency or conflict situation. Our partnership with UN agencies allow us to support their ability to provide for refugee and IDP populations who are at high risk of malaria due to their lack of formal shelter and limited access to health services.

We are thankful for the tireless work of our UN partners to provide comfort and support for families ranging from indigenous communities in Venezuela to displaced populations engulfed in the conflict in Borno State in northern Nigeria.

As we prepare to head into a new year, we will continue to rely on and prioritize our work with UN agencies in order to increase our ability to protect innocent people from this preventable disease.

The fight for a malaria-free world begins with the leadership of our UN partners who live and work in the trenches of the disease around the world.

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