World Malaria Day 2022 Advocacy Training
Thank you, Champions, for attending our World Malaria Day Activation training on April 11th. If you couldn’t make it, click here to view the slides and recording.
WMD 2022 Theme and Key Messages
During this webinar, we discussed the Key Messages for World Malaria Day 2022. We know that no single tool that is available today will solve the problem of malaria – it will take a multipronged approach including Indoor Residual Spraying and Mosquito Nets. That is why our support for PMI and the Global Fund is so important. The funding we request for these programs supports investments and innovation that bring new vector control approaches, diagnostics, antimalarial medicines and other tools to speed the pace of progress against malaria.
Take Action with our Social Media Toolkit
For this World Malaria Day – we are asking you to spread the word about the importance of beating malaria! Using the 2022 World Malaria Day Social Media Toolkit makes taking action easy! This tool will contain everything you need to engage in advocacy on World Malaria Day, April 25th, including tweets, Instagram story templates, and a feature that will automatically populate and tag your Members of Congress in social media messages.
Expanding our Champion Network
If we are going to be the generation to beat malaria for good we will need each you to raise your voices! That is why this World Malaria Day, we are challenging existing Champions to help us expand our advocate network by reaching out to friends and family to engage in social media advocacy. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, will be to ask 5 of your contacts to post on social media for World Malaria Day using our easy-to-use social media toolkit. We hope this will be the first step of many the people in your life will take in the fight against malaria!
Next Steps for World Malaria Day 2022
Fundraise to Beat Malaria with the Move Against Malaria 5k!
Questions about Advocacy? Email Maegan at