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By: Meril Cullinan

Scouts Show Off Their Malaria Knowledge

June 12, 2017
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One of our partners, the Boy Scouts of America, recently showed us just how effective social media can be to spread the buzz about malaria. On their Facebook page, BSA held a contest to win a special Nothing But Nets patch: scouts had to be the first to answer a question about malaria correctly.

BSA posted questions for six days — and the response was overwhelming! Thousands of scouts participated, chiming in the correct answers to the questions below. Do you know the answers as well as the scouts do? (If not, find them here!)

  • Day 1: What is one of the most simple and cost-effective ways to prevent malaria? 
  • Day 2: By working with Nothing But Nets and its global partners, the BSA is helping to spread a simple and powerful message to help in the fight against malaria. What is that message?
  • Day 3: How many people die from malaria each year?
  • Day 4: a) What insect transmits the malaria-causing parasite, Plasmodium, to humans? b) When does it bite?
  • Day 5: How many times does someone have to be bitten by a malaria-carrying mosquito to become infected with the disease?
  • Day 6: Tell us how your unit, or individual Scouts, has helped or plan to help raise awareness about malaria. This time, it’s not the first answer, but the most complete and creative response to win — extra credit for photos!

We loved seeing how many boy scouts (and a few parents and troop leaders) knew the right answers! Our favorite question was the last one, where supporters showed how creatively they were spreading the buzz about malaria with answers like:

Ken: We held a Boy Scout council-wide Basketball Shoot Out last March and raised enough to send 100 nets.

Donna: Our troop is hosting a pancake breakfast next week where a portion of the proceeds will help buy nets! The scouts are setting up displays and powerpoints to further educate.

Stephen: I performed an organ concert to raise money for Nothing But Nets. We raised about $250!

Pam: Since learning about how serious malaria is and how easy it is to prevent, I’d like to start a fund raiser “Fishing for Nets” for Troop 76. I’ll let you know how it’s going once I “get all my ducks in a row”.

Priscilla: Our Units, Pack (2), Troop & Crew, has done an information night with the youth & parents. Then we promoted it at Scout Sunday at our United Methodist Church. Since Feb, we have promoted it at our Roundtables, Day Camp & Rally at church. We will finish at Nov Roundtable, Pack meeting & at the Troop’s & Crew’s Dec Court of Honors.

Thanks to the BSA and the dedicated scouts who have showed us just how much they care about doing their part in the movement to end malaria deaths. Great work!

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