In two short weeks, World Malaria Day, April 25, 2010, will be here, and thousands of people around the country and the world are gearing up to show their commitment to ending malaria deaths by 2015. People are signing up to Sleep Out, hanging out with Mozzie the Mosquito and our team on the Buzz Tour stops, and spreading the word about malaria prevention.
We’re calling on YOU to show the world that you are committed to sending nets and saving lives in Africa. To do this, we need world leaders to continue supporting malaria prevention and treatment, and it’s time to make your voice heard, and for them to take action.
Add your name to a message along with tens of thousands of others that Nothing But Nets will deliver to U.S. congressional leaders on April 20, 2010, to show them you are committed to saving lives and calling on them to join you. What’s even better is that European net manufacturer Vestergaard Frandsen has generously offered to donate a net for every name added to the message, up to 2,500 nets – so add your name now and a net will be sent to a family in Africa on your behalf!
If you have already added your name to the message, but haven’t signed up to Sleep Out on April 24, you still have time – Vestergaard Frandsen’s donation counts for new Sleep Out sign ups, too! You can check out other ways to get involved for World Malaria Day here.
Sign up now to stay up to date on progress made in the fight to beat malaria.
© United to Beat Malaria. 2025 • Save Lives, Beat Malaria
A campaign of the