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By: United to Beat Malaria

United to Beat Malaria Applauds Senate State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee For Stepping Up the Fight Against Malaria

July 29, 2022
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Washington DC – United to Beat Malaria welcomes yesterday’s news that the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) included $2 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) and $800 million for the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) in its fiscal year 2023 funding bill. Both of these funding levels represent increases from fiscal year 2022.

“On behalf of our grassroots champions and partners from around the country, I would like to thank Chairman Chris Coons, Ranking Member Lindsey Graham, and the entire SFOPS subcommittee; and leadership of the Senate Appropriations – Chairman Patrick Leahy and Vice-Chairman Richard Shelby – for strengthening vital US support in the fight to beat malaria,” said United to Beat Malaria’s Executive Director Margaret McDonnell. “The Senate Appropriations Committee’s increased investments in the Global Fund, PMI, and malaria programs through United Nations agencies will save lives, bolster economies, empower youth, and strengthen health systems throughout the malaria-affected world.”

“With the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund convening in New York on September 19, appropriating $2 billion for the Fund will ensure the Administration can go into the conference with the best opportunity to secure strong pledges from countries around the world, with the goal of reaching the $18 billion target. It’s paramount that we hit this target: A fully replenished Global Fund would save an additional 20 million lives and cut HIV, TB and malaria deaths by 65%. Global Fund investments are also a pathfinder for pandemic preparedness, making health care networks resilient and sustainable even in the face of new, emerging pandemics.”

“This bill also appropriates $800 million for PMI, a critical step forward for its commitment to save more than 4 million lives and avert 1 billion cases by 2025. PMI will use the increased funding to scale up needed interventions – including interventions to combat insecticide and drug resistance – reinforce health systems, and reach last mile populations to accelerate its progress and end malaria. United to Beat Malaria champions will continue to advocate for the $1 billion per year authorized for PMI, as this bipartisan program has shown again and again that it saves lives.”

“Continued strong support of our UN partners, like UNHCR and UNICEF, will help ensure that some of the world’s most vulnerable populations – particularly young children, pregnant women, and displaced populations – receive vital malaria commodities and the health workforces in these communities have the capability to win the fight against malaria.”

For additional insights regarding the Senate’s State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill and how this will impact international affairs programs, read more from our friends at the Better World Campaign!

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