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By: United to Beat Malaria

United to Beat Malaria Hails Increased U.S. Commitments to the Fight to End Malaria

June 29, 2022
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Washington, D.C. (June 29, 2022) — United to Beat Malaria Executive Director Margaret McDonnell released the following statement following the passage by the House Appropriations Committee of the State and Foreign Operations Fiscal Year 2023 bill:  

“On behalf of our hundreds of grassroots champions and partners, I would like to applaud and thank Chairwoman Barbara Lee and the House Appropriations Committee for their strong support to beat malaria for good in the Fiscal Year 2023 State and Foreign Operations appropriations bill.”   

“The Appropriations Committee’s important increases for bilateral malaria funding; the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; and United Nations agencies critical to the fight to beat malaria will save lives and help build stronger health systems in the future.  With the Seventh Replenishment of the Global Fund convening in New York in September, appropriating $2 billion for the Fund will ensure the Administration can go into the conference with the best opportunity to secure strong pledges from countries around the world, with the goal of reaching the $18 billion target. This bill also appropriates $820 million for the President’s Malaria Initiative, which is a significant increase and step forward for its 2021-2026 strategy’s commitment to contribute to the global goals of saving more than 4 million lives and averting 1 billion cases by 2025. We hope that this is a down-payment on getting to the $1 billion per year authorized for PMI, which United to Beat Malaria champions are advocating for, as this bipartisan program has shown again and again it saves lives.” 

“Increases for our UN partners, like UNHCR and UNICEF, will also help strengthen how commodities, like bed nets, get to those who need them most and the health workforce is capable of supporting communities in their fight to beat malaria. We look forward to the full House of Representatives taking up this bill and the Senate Appropriations Committee releasing their bill soon.”   

For additional insights regarding the House’s State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill and how this will impact international affairs programs, read more from our friends at the Better World Campaign! 

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