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By: Margaret Reilly McDonnell,  United to Beat Malaria

President’s Budget Fully Funds UN Regular Budget, Addresses UN Peacekeeping Arrears, Global Fund Replenishment

March 28, 2022
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Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2022) — United to Beat Malaria Executive Director Margaret McDonnell released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget request:

“We applaud the Biden Administration’s commitment to ending the burden of malaria for good, as reflected in the Fiscal Year 2023 President’s Budget Request.”

“This is a significant year in the fight to end malaria,” McDonnell noted, “two years into a global pandemic, our progress remains threatened, as death rates due to this preventable disease continue to climb. With the Global Fund Replenishment quickly approaching, we have a unique opportunity to reengage, reinvigorate, and recommit the global community to ending malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis. Today, the Administration signaled they are leading that effort with a strong pledge of $2 billion per year – a pledge that will undoubtedly inspire endemic countries and other international donors alike to join us in stepping up the fight to beat malaria.”

The budget proposal recommends $6 billion over the Seventh Replenishment Cycle for the Global Fund. Also included in the request is a $5 million increase for the President’s Malaria Initiative over FY22 funding.

“While we appreciate an increase for the President’s Malaria Initiative to $780 million,” McDonnell continued, “we are eager to work with champions in Congress to reach the program’s authorized level of $1 billion this fiscal year. Only with strong U.S. leadership and united partnerships will we finally end this global inequity in our lifetime.”

Statement by the Better World Campaign

ICYMI In March, Congress passed the Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations Omnibus, funding the federal government through the remainder of the fiscal year. Included in the package was $1.56B for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Although both the House and Senate iterations of FY22 included significant increases for the President’s Malaria Initiative, the program received a final increase amount totaling $5 million, bringing the program to $775 million for FY22. While this increase indicates support for growth within the program from Congress, United to Beat Malaria is eager to continue fighting for significant funding increases over the course of FY23 negotiations.

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