Launched in 2014, United to Beat Malaria Champions are dedicated to fighting malaria and growing this movement to eradicate the disease within their lifetimes. Our Champions bring together malaria advocates from a wide range of backgrounds, professions, and life experiences; but what connects them all is a shared passion for ensuring that the fight against malaria remains a priority both in their communities and on Capitol Hill.
Utilizing tools and resources provided by United to Beat Malaria, our Champions take action in a variety of ways: they meet with their members of Congress, raise funds and awareness through social media, host community events and write letters to the editor.
Our Champions’ marquee moment each year is the United to Beat Malaria Leadership Summit, held each Spring in Washington, D.C. The Leadership Summit engages our Champions deeper in the fight against malaria and includes workshops that help them become better advocates and community organizers.
On the Summit’s final day, our Champions meet with their members of Congress on Capitol Hill to emphasize the impact and critical importance of US-supported malaria programs through the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, HIV and Malaria and the President’s Malaria Initiative. Thanks to the sustained advocacy of our Champions, United to Beat Malaria has helped sustain strong funding for US-supported malaria programs that provide critical malaria interventions for millions of people each year.