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United to Beat Malaria
May 31, 2024

The United Nations Foundation’s United to Beat Malaria and Shot@Life campaigns launch Healthy Start for Refugee Children initiative

The United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life and United to Beat Malaria campaigns have joined forces with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to launch a new initiative – Healthy Start for Refugee Children – that will provide essential healthcare for 1 million refugee and displaced children living in camps and host communities across East Africa. GENEVA, May … Continued

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Post Author
Emile Dawisha
April 24, 2024
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WORLD MALARIA DAY: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Malaria Outbreaks in Refugee Camps Along the Ethiopia-South Sudan Border

“As the world’s attention is drawn elsewhere, the people of South Sudan are enduring unimaginable hardship, grappling with ongoing conflict, mass displacement, the ravages of climate change, and an exorbitant cost of living.” — UN Asst. Secretary-General Shoko Noda.  To commemorate World Malaria Day (April 25), all month long we are raising funds to provide … Continued

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Post Author
Emile Dawisha
June 20, 2023
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WORLD REFUGEE DAY: Sudan’s civil war collides with climate crisis in South Sudan, leaving millions displaced in malaria-endemic region

On World Refugee Day, we reflect on the 108.4 million people worldwide who’ve been displaced by conflict, natural disasters, and other factors. These people face staggering risks – from safety and exploitation to sanitation and malnutrition – on their journey to secure better futures. Among the most deadly, and most overlooked, threats faced by displaced populations … Continued

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Emile Dawisha
December 15, 2022
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PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT: In Eastern DRC, intensifying violence and mosquito resistance complicate malaria fight

Charline (left), 11, fled her village because of recent armed clashes in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). She and her family are among the over 5 million people in the DRC taking refuge in displacement camps. “I want the war to stop so I can continue to study and prepare for my future,” … Continued

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Emile Dawisha
November 18, 2022
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Voices of South Sudan – Part 2: Philip Pitia

Philip Pitia is a 31-year old father of seven and seasonal farmer who resides in South Sudan’s capital of Juba. In recent years, Philip has struggled to find work during off-seasons. “I hustle around and make sure I get some income for my family,” Philip said. “[My family] waits for what I get for them.” … Continued

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Post Author
Emile Dawisha

Voices of South Sudan – Part 1: George and Hellen Martin

The photo above shows George Moi Martin (far-left) demonstrating the Mosquito Shield™ spatial repellent product to community members, including his mother Hellen Hidaya Martin(second to right).  George Moi Martin is 20 years old, the oldest of five children who reside with their mother, Hellen, in South Sudan’s capital of Juba. George dreams of becoming a … Continued

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Post Author
Emile Dawisha
November 15, 2022
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In South Sudan, United to Beat Malaria and SC Johnson Among Global Partners Supporting Fight Against Malaria Amid Humanitarian Crisis

The world’s youngest nation, South Sudan has faced historic levels of flooding in recent years – the worst the region has seen in 60 years – and prolonged violent conflict around the country, fueling Africa’s worst displacement crisis. The South Sudanese people, 41% of whom are aged 14 and under (WHO), remain resilient while working … Continued

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United to Beat Malaria
April 9, 2021
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In Conflict-Stricken Northeast Nigeria, Nothing But Nets Teams Up with Envu and MENTOR Initiative to Fight Malaria in Refugee Camps

Envu (formerly known as Bayer Environmental Science) has contributed indoor residual spray for a malaria prevention campaign that will protect close to 400,000 displaced Borno residents before peak malaria season in Nigeria’s Borno State.  Borno State is home to one of the world’s most complex and longest-running humanitarian emergencies. A decade-long conflict initiated by the … Continued

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United to Beat Malaria Champion
June 17, 2019
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Salome’s Story

Nothing But Nets champion Eric Bieski, who works in his community with refugee populations in resettlement and placement, tells the incredible story of a girl named Salome, who almost died from malaria shortly after her family resettled in the U.S. from the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

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United to Beat Malaria Champion
June 10, 2019
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Nashwan’s Story

Unfortunately, during the last nine years, my home country of Syria has suffered an extraordinary war. Though infrastructure loss cannot be tolerated, it was insignificant compared to Syria’s biggest loss: millions of Syrians who had to flee the country to save their lives and families, and to search for a living.

I was one of those millions who left with no choice other than leaving everything behind, dreaming with a new start.

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