Tonight, more than 68,000 people in Western Tanzania are sleeping safely under bed nets for the first time in many years, protected from malaria. The story of how we distributed 38,000 nets to the people of Nyarugusu refugee camp, a place that had over 62,000 documented cases of malaria last year, begins with you.
Read ArticleIt’s World Mosquito Day! On this day in 1897, British scientist Sir Ronald Ross made the breakthrough discovery that malaria is transmitted between humans by the female anopheles mosquito.
Read ArticleEmbarking on their last year at Springhill Elementary in Lafayette, CA, seven classmates from Troop 33005 met to discuss their Girl Scout Bronze Award. With the community in mind, the girls individually presented their ideas for this project to the troop.
Read ArticleBed nets save lives and can help eliminate malaria. I had the opportunity to see this first hand at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria board meeting in Sri Lanka in June.
Read ArticleMeet 14 year -old high school freshman Mei Mei Tercek. So far, Mei Mei has raised enough to send more than 40 life-saving bed nets to families across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Read ArticleToday is the first ever International Day of Charity. Last December, the UN General Assembly designated this day to raise awareness of the impact millions of people like you have had through humanitarian work around the world.
Read ArticleAfter sixty days of travel, hard work and anticipation, our day on Capitol Hill was finally here. It was the culmination of weeks spent journeying across the country as part of the JCI-Nothing But Nets BzzzTour.
Read ArticleOur campaign is on the front lines in the fight against malaria, and the efforts that you are making in the U.S. are saving lives in Africa. Our impact is big, but our formula is simple
Read ArticleI was recently in Sri Lanka, where I was stunned to learn that cases of malaria there have gone from 260,000 in 1999 to not one indigenous case this year. Shortly after I got back, I was thrilled to read about the successful new trials for a malaria vaccine, thanks in large part to U.S. investments through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and the Naval Medical Research Center.
Read ArticleGirls around the world need to stay healthy from illness such as malaria so that they can stay in school and complete their education! It’s the International Day of the Girl and for the past 11 days, our friends at Girl Up have been counting down with “11 Days of Action.”
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