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By: United to Beat Malaria

Thanks for a great year of Advocacy, Champions!

December 1, 2022
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Champions, as we approach the end of 2022, all of us at United to Beat Malaria want to express our most sincere gratitude for your contributions and celebrate everything you have accomplished this year.  

Here is a snapshot of what Champions have done in 2022: 

  • Led 214 virtual meetings with Congressional offices, sending a resounding message to Congress that the fight against malaria is a priority in their communities across the country. 
  • Attended 20 virtual trainings to strengthen advocacy skills and broaden their knowledge base on subjects related to malaria advocacy. Topics included: 
  • In March, our annual Leadership Summit brought together 510 passionate malaria Champions from 50 countries and 33 US states. 
  • Throughout the year, you successfully advocated on behalf of critical malaria elimination programs that save millions of lives, engaging Members of Congress digitally for World Malaria Day, World Childrens Day, and Veterans Day as well as key moments in the appropriations calendar 
  • In the Spring, Champions participated in a virtual 5k to raise money for malaria projects that reach those most vulnerable to malaria: young children and mothers, pregnant women, refugees and internally displaced persons. 
  • Champions representing 27 states met with Members of Congress in September to highlight World Mosquito Day and the importance of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Cycle.  
  • In September, a group of Beat Malaria Champions travelled to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly and the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Pledging Conference. 
  • In November, college students from across the country came together to celebrate World Childrens Day and discuss the role of student advocacy in the fight against malaria.  

 Some more exciting things happened in the world of malaria elimination in 2022: 

  • Belize celebrated its third year with zero malaria cases, moving the country one step closer to receiving its malaria-free certification from the World Health Organization.  
  • The global community including governments, civil society, and the private sector came together to pledge a record-breaking US$15.7 Billion, the largest-ever investment to boost the fight against HIV, TB and malaria and strengthen health systems 
  • The U.S. welcomed its new Global Malaria Coordinator, Dr. David Walton, MD, MPH, who brings over two decades of experience working in global health – specifically in highly vulnerable countries and communities, working to strengthen health systems, improve and expand access to medical care, and coordinate new medical infrastructure. 
  • A new era began for our campaign. After 15 years, we decided to unveil a new name that better reflects our multi-pronged and inclusive approach to fighting malaria. Nothing But Nets became United to Beat Malaria!   

 From all of us here at United to Beat Malaria, thank you for a wonderful year! Your continued commitment makes a huge impact in the fight against malaria. United, our mission to end malaria can become a reality.  

We look forward to another fruitful year of advocacy in 2023! Start off the year strong: Apply Here for Our 2023 Leadership Summit, being held in Washington DC March 26-28th, 2023. Applications close January 8th, 2023.  


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